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World economy: Traversing uncertainty

March 30, 2017 Columbia University (by Jan Svejnar)  For the last five years the global economy has grown at a disappointingly slow rate of about 3 percent. Every year the rate of growth fell below expectations and this gradually resulted in lower future output expectations and reduction in spending and potential GDP growth.

Read more …World economy: Traversing uncertainty


Predatory journals in Scopus

The study maps the penetration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Predatory journals exploit the author pays open access model, and conduct only cursory or no peer review, despite claims to the contrary. Some such journals will publish almost anything for money.

Read more …Predatory journals in Scopus


Political Competition in Local Governments and Public Procurement

Municipalities in the Czech Republic manage 23.9% of the total public expenditure (approximately 10% of the GDP), with approximately half of these funds redistributed through public procurement. This is a very significant amount of public resources that should be given due attention.

Read more …Political Competition in Local Governments and Public Procurement