News & Events

The higher wages of politicians and municipal elections

September 2018, In the Czech Republic in 2017, mayors, who are excused from their civil professions, received a gross monthly salary of some 46,000 CZK in municipalities with the mean number of inhabitants (about 1,700 inhabitants).

Read more …The higher wages of politicians and municipal elections


The consequences of tax reform

September 2018, There have already been a number of attempts to abolish the concept of super gross wages used for personal income tax purposes in 2008. The most recent proposal to abolish super gross salaries and introduce a progressive tax system was put forward in February 2018 as part of a tax package suggested by the Czech Ministry of Finance and subsequently appeared in the current government’s policy statement. By August 2018 this intention had disappeared from the government’s legislative package, but we can expect this amendment to be brought back to the table in the future.

Read more …The consequences of tax reform


Czech teachers´ intellectual skills

September 2018, The quality of teachers’ work is widely perceived as a key co-determinant of educational outcomes. 

Read more …Czech teachers´ intellectual skills


Obesity in the Czech Republic: an international comparison

August 2018, The World Health Organization considers obesity to be one of the greatest challenges for public health in the 21st century. On the basis of data from SHARE, we show that Czechs aged 50-70 years have a high rate of obesity (BMI > 29,99) in comparison with other countries.

Read more …Obesity in the Czech Republic: an international comparison