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The effects of educational methods on pupil´s results and socio-emotional abilities: classic vs. modern methods
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>Prague, January 31, 2018 Empirical studies have repeatedly revealed the importance of children’s socio-emotional abilities for their success at school, in further study, in their future work and in their life more generally. Socio-emotional abilities include among other things self-confidence, internal motivation and self-control. However, those studies only provide sketchy information about how different educational methods in schools contribute to the development of these abilities. In this study we investigate whether and to what extent using certain educational methods more intensively can result in better development of these socio-emotional abilities and improvements in testable study outcomes.
In international comparisons, the Czech Republic is one of the countries with a high usage of classic educational methods, such as lecture style instruction and an emphasis on memorizing facts, and a low usage of more modern methods such as interactive work in small groups and explanation using real examples.
Our findings, using data from 8th grade pupils in the Czech Republic, show that modern teaching methods contribute to the development of socio-emotional abilities and do not have any negative influence on pupils’ results in tested subjects. Classic teaching methods do not develop socio-emotional abilities.
Different teaching methods have different effects on boys and girls. While modern methods develop socio-emotional abilities in both boys and girls, classic methods have a negative effect on boys’ internal motivation and self-confidence. Classic teaching methods thus increase differences between girls and boys.
This study’s findings thus speak in favour of using modern teaching methods more intensively in Czech schools that currently use them rather little. The results also suggest that a partial change in teachers’ chosen approaches (towards greater use of modern rather than classic methods) could have a significant positive impact on their pupils’ socio-emotional abilities.
An International Comparison of Academic Publication Output and its Influence in Selected Countries
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>18. 1. 2018 New web tool that offers interactive comparison of selected countries´academic publication output in terms of the quantity of articles and their influence, inferred from the academic influence level of the journals they are published in.
Admin data to improve policy making in the CEE
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>Budapest 10.10.2017 The hidden treasure: using admin data to improve policy making in the CEE
New Publication: Who is your major?
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>IDEA think-tank presents a new study analyzing the characteristic of political representatives in Czech towns and cities, focusing predominantly on political representation in small municipalities.
IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS: Teachers´ salaries
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>The first publication of the project IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS analyzing political manifestos concerns the topic of salary level of Czech teachers. The author of "Teachers salaries in Czech election manifestos: an overview and breakdown" is Daniel Munich.
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