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Comparison of the Quality of Academic Publication Output

This study aims at comparing the research output of Czech institutions on an international level. The authors (Štěpán Jurajda, Stanislav Kozubek, Daniel Münich and Samuel Škoda) have compared the publication output of entire scientific fields in the Czech Republic to the same fields in other countries, basing the comparison on artcles published in the years 2010-2014 and included in the Web of Science (WoS) database.

Read more …Comparison of the Quality of Academic Publication Output


Daniel Münich in Radio Prague about unemployment

Daniel Münich spoke about the current unemployment level in the Czech Republic durung the interview for the English speaking section of the Czech public radio RADIO PRAGUE.


Working Beyond Pensionable Age

The latest study of IDEA "Working Beyond Pensionable Age: Institutional Incentives in  the Czech Republic" written by Jiri Satava focuses on the question of identifying the right retirement age of Czech employees? Besides, it analyses existing institutional incentives for elderly people who are able and willing to work after they reach their retirement age. The new study offers an overall analysis of the current situation in the Czech Republic.

Read more …Working Beyond Pensionable Age


Billionaires versus People

15.7.2015 The Guardian, Autor: Jan Svejnar

My research found that the myth of billionaires boosting the economy is untrue – particularly when they amassed their wealth from political connection.

Read more …Billionaires versus People


A Comparative Study of Retirement Age in the Czech Republic



The analysis identifies the risks and possible obstacles associated with faster increases in the statutory and effective retirement ages in the Czech Republic. The study provides the first detailed quantitative insight on the phenomena of retirement and old-age-related departures from the labour market in the Czech Republic, and employs unique, internationally comparable date from the SHARE survey.

Read more …A Comparative Study of Retirement Age in the Czech Republic