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Czech teachers´ intellectual skills
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>September 2018, The quality of teachers’ work is widely perceived as a key co-determinant of educational outcomes.
Obesity in the Czech Republic: an international comparison
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>August 2018, The World Health Organization considers obesity to be one of the greatest challenges for public health in the 21st century. On the basis of data from SHARE, we show that Czechs aged 50-70 years have a high rate of obesity (BMI > 29,99) in comparison with other countries.
Read more …Obesity in the Czech Republic: an international comparison
Impact of parental benefits reform in 2008
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>July 2018, Long parental leaves interrupt mothers’ connection to the labor market and lead to significant human capital losses. This negatively affects mothers’ careers even several years after returning to employment.
How to govern the country better
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>April 11, 2018 Series of events: An example of good practice from Germany for employment policy
What´s Behind the Grades on Czech School Certificates?
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?> // CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>January 31, 2018 Girls in the ninth year of elementary school receive better grades in mathematics and Czech language than boys. In anonymously graded tests, however, girls only achieve better results in Czech language, while in mathematics the boys outperform them on average by roughly the same margin.
Read more …What´s Behind the Grades on Czech School Certificates?
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