Page 33 - Book of Abstracts 2021
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  Anti COVID-19 #21  The different economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis on women and men in the Czech Republic  June 2020                      IDEA anti COVID-19 # 21 The different economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis on women and men in the Czech Republic1 JUNE 20202 Summary  Women are very likely economically and socially affected harder by the Covid-19 crisis for at least three reasons: 1. They are disproportionally employed in sectors affected harder by Covid-19 related lock-downs (tourism, hospitality, retail, services). 2. They are likely to shoulder more of the additional child-care needs due to the closing of schools and child-care facilities. 3. They are more likely to be victims of domestic violence, with many indicators pointing towards an increase in domestic violence due to the lock-down.  Unemployment data from Czech Republic for April and May 2020 shows a stronger increase in unemployment for women than men, whereas in previous recessions, this was typically the other way around. 1 This document follows closely the structure of, and many arguments from, the report “The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality” from the National Bureau of Economic Research for the U.S. (NBER Working Paper 26947), and the report “Work, Care, and Gender during the Covid-19 crisis” by the Centre for Economic Performance at LSE for the UK (CEP Covid-19 Analysis 002). However, numbers and case-studies are adjusted for the Czech Republic. 2 This study represents the authors’ own views and not the official position of the Czech Academy of Sciences’ Economics Institute nor of the Charles University Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE). The authors are grateful to Daniel Münich and Filip Pertold for their valuable comments and advice. The study was produced with support from the Czech Academy of Sciences as part of its AV21 Strategy programme and from the Experientia Foundation.  Andreas Menzel, Martina Miotto     1    BACK TO CONTENTS 31 

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